Join us for worship Sundays at 10:00 am

"Where victory for living begins"

Welcome to Living Cornerstone Fellowship (LCF) in Delphos, KS. LCF is a full-gospel Christian church devoted to teaching the uncompromised message of Faith to allow people to live a victorious life in Christ.

LCF is a close-knit congregation of caring people who are working together in order to fulfill God’s plan for Delphos and the surrounding areas. The goal of the church is to grow and develop believers, of all ages, to increase in their knowledge of the Word and to become doers of the Word. (James 1:25)

If you are looking for a church home, take a look around the website. Be sure to check out our core values, found in our Statement of Faith, or even take the time to listen to a message from our current sermon series. We look forward to seeing you soon.

Pastor Barry and Julie Nelson